The original DiSC assessments help your organization build productive teams, develop effective managers, train a powerful sales force, reduce interpersonal conflict, improve customer service and can be used as a 360 feedback assessment tool. For nearly 30 years, DiSC’s unique approach to learning, called DiSC Dimensions of Behavior, has unlocked the door to productive communication and relationships for over 40 million people.
The paper DiSC assessment includes DiSC Graphs 1, 2, and 3, general highlights of each DiSC style, Intensity Index, and a brief description of all 15 DiSC Classical Profile Patterns. OWLS presents your DiSC results by qualified professional facilitators!
Call us 1-866-535-OWLS (6957) for a secure online login and password to begin the assessment process or to receive a FREE sample report.
The DiSC Classic Profile Will Help People in Your Organization
- Understand their habits and behavioral tendencies in a manageable and systematic way
- Foster teamwork and minimize conflict to build productive teams
- Ease frustrations and deal with interpersonal conflict effectively
- Develop a language through which they can efficiently and accurately discuss interpersonal concerns
- Create a forum in which an open discussion about personality differences is not only accepted, but encouraged
- Discover behavioral strengths and value the strengths of others
- Develop strategies to meet diverse needs
- Improve communication skills by determining communication styles
- Increase sales skill and understanding of the prospect to build a powerful sales force
- Improve customer relationships to help increase customer satisfaction
- Develop strategies and skills that will mend or improve the quality of interpersonal relationships within a social setting
- Develop effective managers
- Enhance coaching and mentoring skills – DiSC is a great tool to use with executive coaching and mentoring!