Are you looking to start prepping your team for that new product launch or corporate takeover? Why not get started with this one of a kind strategy and planning program through mountaineering. The experts at OWLS have been there, done that, and want to help you start enjoying the extreme conditions. Our courses will teach you about proper gear, what to pack and environmental concerns. Then we teach you some basic crampon techniques, self-arrest and glissading. We will talk about route selection, route finding and weather. These classes are taught in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Northern Rockies of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming and in North Conway, NH. Look for our intensive mountaineering trips to attempt a winter summit of Mount Washington, home of the world’s worst weather and training ground of high altitude climbers for decades. Also, ask about our international trips where you will be able to hone your mountaineering skills at higher altitudes. All courses taught by AMGA Trained Guides.
Call Erik Henyon For More Information: 406-920-2808